In 2012 Barry Haarde jumped on his bike with one goal, to become the first person with hemophilia, HIV and Hepatitis C to ride from coast-to-coast. That initial journey was named Wheels for the World and was the first of six amazing rides completed by the Texas native. Barry used these incredible rides to raise awareness for bleeding disorders around the world, for those we lost to the blood contamination crisis, and to inspire all of us to strive for more. He collectively rode over 20,000 miles and raised over $250,000 for Save One Life! Sadly, Barry passed away unexpectedly last year.
His legacy continues with Wheels for the World: Lost on the Tour Divide! This summer I am racing in honor of Barry by raising money to support Save One Life. Like Barry’s first cross country ride, my goal is to become the first person with hemophila to ride the divide over 2700 miles, from Banff, AB to Antelope Wells, NM.
To make a donation to Save One Life, Click Here
Once the race begins, you can follow along here:
Thank you to all who have contributed to Save One Life:

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