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Training on Mingus

The Rocky Road Down

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Ridden and Written By:

Chris Seistrup

I was hoping to ride to Crown King this weekend, but after learning the Rattlesnake Fire had the road from Crown King to Cleator closed, I quickly put together a different route over Mingus. I left work an hour early on Friday so I could get to Jerome before all the restaurants had closed for the night. Time to get some Gatorade. 4:00 and counting.

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Once I was fueled up it was time to head over Rosser Rd. and jump on to the Peavine. The Peavine Trail is an easy old railroad grade with some great scenery.

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Time to hop the fence and carry on.

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Power line road for miles and miles

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As I rode around the north side of Mingus Mountain, I got to watch the sunset for an eternity.

Night view of Cottonwood.

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The Haunted Burger.

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After a hearty meal, I rode up the rubble on FR413 and turned right on to trail 106 to begin the hike-a-bike section on one of the steepest trails over the mountain. I found a flat ledge where I could camp. In the night, I thought I could feel something around me tugging at the bivy. I kicked, it stopped, and I fell asleep.  I thought it may have been the shrub next to me rubbing on my sleeping bag. I got to wake up to an amazing view of the foggy Verde Valley.

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And this animal of sorts nibbled two holes in my bivy. Whatever this thing was, it also made off with one of my gloves.

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I was pushing the bike up the trail by 6:00 am. If you look really close, the white dots in the distance are Jerome.

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Did I say hike-a-bike? I meant carry your bike.

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I made a wrong turn and missed out on the hanglider launch, but I did get to eat an amazing 2nd breakfast with a view.

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Breakfast of Champions!

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I crossed over 89a at more than 7000′ and found my way to Martin Canyon.

I made another wrong turn and ended up finding another back road route home. I made it back to 89a, and finally found my way to the Iron King Trail. I was almost home.

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Ride Details

Total distance: 93.07 mi
Max elevation: 7316 ft
Min elevation: 4567 ft
Total climbing: 7979 ft
Total descent: -8012 ft
Total time: 22:22:20
Download file: 20150821_225118.gpx

A Story Ridden and Written By:

Chris Seistrup

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